project in Estrie

After the Laurentians and the region of Quebec, Estrie is in the sights of the businessman Louis Massicotte, the founder of the geoLagon and the rental chalet villages of

The total investment could range from $200 to $250 million, he confirmed to La Tribune . Even without advertising, 60% of chalets have already found takers.

In addition, the site of the construction of the village has not been determined, is surprised Mr. Massicotte, who is also the former president of the Valcartier Vacation Village, the Ice Hotel and Calypso Park in Ottawa.

People book a cottage even without knowing where the site will be located in Estrie. »

“As much in Quebec as in Estrie, I would like the projects to be carried out within two years. We are examining three potential sites currently in Estrie. Funding is complete. »

Its villages of rental chalets have the particularity of being located around hot water lagoons whose energy supply aims to use geothermal energy, solar energy and biomass. A patent was recently filed in Washington for a method of heating lagoons, he says.

The creation of this first geothermal lagoon in Sainte-Adèle provides for a small lake heated year-round, six times the size of an NHL skating rink. The project represents an investment of $164 million near Highway 15.

Inspired by Iceland’s legendary Blue Lagoon, the lake will be permanently heated to 38 degrees Celsius using an advanced geothermal system. It will be the subject of a permit application this spring from the urban planning department of the municipality of Sainte-Adèle, adds Louis Massicotte.

This small lake will be surrounded by around a hundred double annexed chalets whose pre-sale to investors is at a launch price of $990,000 to $1.1 million. The preliminary construction budget for the geoLAGON structure is $12 million. Including the 100 “riverside” double cabins, the project totals more than $112 million.

Hospitality “of the future”

This “future” hotel model will be based on traditional rental, paired with short-term rental platforms like Airbnb.

Louis Massicotte estimates the spinoffs at approximately $100 million for the Estrie region once the project is only 60% complete.

“All without subsidies,” he says. Our model does not include government support. They need their money to solve other problems currently, like Health…”

“It will be a four-season attraction. This brings a flood of customers year round. In tourism, this is very important, especially to retain staff. »

Mr. Massicotte refrains from revealing the sectors targeted to establish his future village of chalets in Estrie. He is aiming for the axis of Highway 10, he escapes. He should be able to reveal the locations of the Quebec and Estrie sites next May.

“This kind of lagoon is the dream of tourists from all over the world. Here, summer and winter alike, bathers will have their heads in the clouds… they will experience contact with nature in a steaming pool almost four feet deep enriched with minerals and they will live a gastronomic experience never seen before. Including the construction of our hotel chalets, this will be a very significant investment which is today made possible thanks to four one-off factors: the evolution of geothermal technologies, the performance of rental platforms such as Airbnb, the real estate frenzy and the unprecedented enthusiasm of vacationers for chalets,” he says of his projects in the Laurentians.

“In Finland, the word Metsä means ‘forest’ and this is precisely what best describes our Scandinavian chalet and lagoon project,” says Louis Massicotte. Our geoLAGON will be an oasis of relaxation in the calm and beauty of a forest enhanced by a hotel village according to an eco-responsible approach called “Growing Greener” which aims to preserve nearly 90% of forest areas. We chose Sainte-Adèle to create this first lagoon and we are targeting the region of Quebec and Estrie for other lagoons. We are particularly looking for land that is already zoned for tourist accommodation and attractions, near major tourist centers to duplicate our model,” he adds.

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